Friday, September 16, 2011

MY LIFE ON EARTH 1991-2002

I've been very busy this, hot Texas summer, living in the era of the late 90's via  the VHS videos I shot during that time,  looking at all those videos leaves me slightly heart broken, in the way Sunday afternoons do after a big Saturday night party.  Like time has passed me by.  I think one can be more productive when young and enthusiastic,  because there is a stronger quest for knowledge and you eagerly want to make a statement, whatever it is.  Then once your older and 'wiser' you look at things differently in a burned out sort of way.  I think this explains why simpletons are always in such good, happy moods.     I've been piecing together a short documentary out of all these VHS tapes, there must be around 150 or more,  and it's just so time consuming to watch them all and then string together a video out of it.  
 I've done all of this for my upcoming art show in London,


  you can read about here,


This video I have made will be coupled with the 2007 documentary, "Master of Reality"  and released on DVD for around 5 pounds at the show,  I have also created my own webpage
,  which I am slowly updating,  at

My book is still in the works also, the title is, "BACK YARD" I don't know anything else other than that however.

1 comment:

  1. A great capture and progression.. . Very rad.
    Cool site too
