Friday, April 8, 2011

Sleep Mania

The Weirdest adventures can happen at 5 in the morning... 
 Most often deep inside your head when your deep at rest, 
for example...

The dustman went shopping at the grocery store, for nothing in particular, but what he did find was....

...several acquaintances who had recognized him
from his years in high school... 

None of them had jobs, and they were all unkept, 
 their teeth were as gapped as the bars they spent the majority of their time behind. 
They had only one thing on their mind...ICE CREAM PARTY!!!

Dust man agreed to the terms of the ice cream party, 
before finding out, that all seven of them would need a ride,  

There was also a sudden and unexpected problem, 
 NO ICE CREAM other than,  PEPPERONI was to be found
and there was plenty of it,  
because it all tasted like shit and no body wanted it, 

but they decided on it none the less, 

 another problem arose
 when the Dustman asked his friends to chip in on the funding of the Pepperoni Ice Cream...

To no surprise they all, ass hauled their way out the back door with lightning speed
when the subject of money arose.....

They were all cheap bastards, and freeloaders,
with no manners or class of anykind...

  So then the Dustman was left all alone in a long,
long line of women... pay for the Pepperonie Ice Cream all by himself... 

...and to make matters worse, 
he discovered he was dressed in nothing but his underwear...

...When Dustman finally arrived to his car, 
 one of his unkept friends along with a stray dog,  
 had commandeered his vehicle,

  it's debatable which one was the nastier of the two, 
was it man or was it beast? 

and there must have been 30 or 40 empty diet coke bottles littered about the floor board...

finally having enough of this nonsense,
Dustman erupted into a fit of anger,
  and finally woke up to find that it was all just a dream....

But this Dream could easily be part of anyone's reality, 
infact it probably is....

1 comment:

  1. Reality in more sense than one realizes...
