Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Works of Wax...

I had a conversation about wax museums last month when I was thinking about visiting Madame Tussauds,
 my friend suggested the works were too good, and in order to have the best possible wax figure experience, they needed to be more on the amateur level,  Well he was right,  I had a great time,  and here is what I found...


I was first greeted by the cross eyed, and cheap wigged cast of Startrek.  Possibly sculpted by the same convict who created the plaster heads used in the Alcatraz escape plot...

Clammy, the Autistic Genius

Rock N Roll Spock w/  flood proof side burns

Rehabilitated Jungle Cannibal  ....


 Prince Harry Armstrong, w/ paying customer
(a bicycle in the back would have been a nice touch)....

Nic Cage is Lord...

Dastardly Dick Dentures ....

head-less Heath
(found this on the floor of the Frankenstein display)

 Man of Steal your grandmother's underwear 

Kentucky fried Ray-Gun

Hammered Hay-Zoos

Full Volume Conditioner...

Heroin High Jay...

 Killer Philler...

Bat Joker Peace Talks in Gotham City...

a Very Yetti Abe....

Tin Man, Fun Can....

well done W and  Bill simpleton...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jacko Came From the Third World....

At Least In October of 2001 That Was How the Story Went....
But  Jacko's knife was dull and made in China, it couldn't even get through the pencil thick neck of a young man, although it could put you magically asleep (for a few minutes anyway).   Jacko was also easily inebriated by a damsel armed with roach killer in a spray can who was suddenly startled when he lurched out at her from behind a shower curtain.  He was hiding out in the shower (like Sasquatch?),  but somehow, Jacko survived a bullet shot to the forehead,  only to be beaten over the head with a wooden board, and then burned alive in a rusty fifty five gallon drum.   

  I'll upload this video some day so you can all see.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

If Only I Had Twenty Hands and Thrice the Time....

It is A Terrible, Horrible, and Nasty Idea ...
.......But I'm Doing It.....Taking a Break ....... 

 Nine Days Before Las Vegas.....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

So You Took Santa Too Serious, and Now You Want Revenge.....

I've been working for the past few weeks, ever since I got back from England, on several paintings for an up coming art exhibit.  With the legend of Sasquatch serving as one of the main themes, I have been churning through past thoughts and ideas, trying to come up with the right and accurate way to represent the thought of Sasquatch in the mind of an over-revving imaginative child who is somewhere around 10 years old.
So I was just working away on several pieces that were similar to what I had done as a kid,  but they were lost paintings, with no real story or explanation to go along with them....

 but its ok,  it's all just part of the process with me.  Figuring it all out,  like driving a car somewhere that you don't have directions to, and being lost in the beginning but knowing your headed in the right direction.  

 So several paintings in and already feeling the edge of burnout, I was suddenly (the way as it usual happens) struck with an idea and excitement  that I could not get enough of, All at once that childhood fascination with Sasquatch was back like a disease that knew no cure.  And in very vivid details. 

I won't really explain or show too much here, because what good would an art show be if it had no surprises, and I just started uploading everything to the Internet that is going to be there? 

   The only explanation or meaning behind these paintings I can give.......... it's something that is not supposed to exist anywhere ever, yet such a subject can exist right in front of you and all around you if you believe in it and think about it often enough, and allow it to overtake your thoughts and influence your judgment.

Taking it all too seriously, and being obsessed,  It's almost like being crazy,  but your allowed these thoughts when your a kid.  Everything and anything seems possible.  Mostly because your brain is rapidly flooding and any information you get a hold of is looked at in an eager yet naive, and often times very seductive to young mind way.  And what's even crazier is that when your a kid everything seems to have no end point, it just goes on and on and on, all subjects everything is that way, dogs can talk, and dinosaurs are still alive somewhere on the Earth, Santa Claus is of course real, and you can even fly if you close your eyes tight enough and really think hard enough about it.   I could go on and on describing this forever,  but eventually you grow up and all that nonsense is meaningless to you.

On the paintings (Click on the pictures to enlarge), I write little messages on the back of each one,  describing a thought maybe? one that comes to mind when I think enough about the whole atmosphere I was in, the way I felt about it then with such seriousness,  coupled with laughable, and easily dismissing ways adults think about such subjects as a Sasquatch....

Now that I've began I don't  know when I will stop,  probably once I'm satisfied that this whole idea has been portrayed  in it's entirety through hours of late night brush strokes and dirty water....

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Airplane People Are on Jerry Lawler's Side...

That's a Good Thing When The Meanest Man in Professional Wrestling, Terry Funk, is after you...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Life and Times With Sasquatch...

    I first heard about the Sasquatch/Bigfoot creature as a kid,  from a relative,  while on vacation in Oklahoma.  I was immeadiatly intrigued and wanted to know what was going on, and what this Sasquatch was all about.   I had more questions than anyone could answer,  and upon returning home,  my mother took me to the library where I found a very informative book, filed with black &  white pictures and several stories, one was even about a guy named Albert Ostman who claimed to have been kidnapped, and held prisoner by a family of Sasquatches while prospecting gold in Canada.  Eventually he got away alive.   It was also in this book that for the first time I would see the famed Roger Paterson photograph of a Sasquatch taken from frame 352 of his 16 mm film shot while searching for the beast in Bluff Creek California, during October of 1967.  There were also many other pictures of footprints and castings taken from discovered tracks.  There was a guy who had created a trap and sat hill side waiting with a sedative shot gun,  I thought that was a great idea and would have guessed a Sasquatch would have been caught in no time.   I never wanted to return that book to the library, and must have read it through several times.

    As a kid in school, I was reading even more books about the Sasquatch, I was especially happy that I could find them in the school's library.  I would often wonder what such a Bizarre creature was doing that very second that I sat there in the class room reading about it.  It was instantly fascinating to think that somewhere on the same Earth as me there was this obscure creature(s) just roaming around, and no one could catch it.       
    After school was when I would watch Sasquatch related television shows,  and at night, with my imagintion running full speed with thoughts of Sasquatch, there was no way I could sleep....

        ....I couldn't sleep out of fear that a Sasquatch was loose in my house, looking for me.  It was a very real feeling,  that happened almost nightly.  I even correlated the number 8 with Sasquatch,  which meant that anytime I saw the number eight, that some how a Sasquatch would be alerted and was on his way to my house?   The next day this now laughable nonsense would start all over again.  This went on for several years, but eventually I got over it.

    My teenage years were my strongest Sasquatch years by far.  I was really laying it on thick and heavy during this time.  One time I had heard some friends say they had witnessed a Sasquatch looking figure walking through a stream near a lake dam late at night.  So, I set up a trap, complete with soft sand and tacos from a fast food joint hoping to catch a footprint.  The following day I returned only to find what looked like dog prints where the cheap tacos had been. 

  Frustrated I brought one of the  self proclaimed witnesses down the dam, to show me exactly where he had seen the figure.  With my persistent questioning coupled with the triple digit Texas heat,  the dastardly coward cracked and confessed that it was all just a lie, and asked to be taken home.

I would also go on to make the four hour trip to Jefferson, Texas to attend the first ever Texas Bigfoot Research Conference,  there were all sorts of speakers with wild tales of encounters, and ideas on what kind of things were going on in the woods and forests of America.  If I was ever looking for a Sasquatch overdose, I had found it right there.   

   As I got older, and began looking at the big picture, along with the information and knowledge I had accumuilated over the years,  my belief in Sasquatch quietly died, and my attention shifted to other meaningless and unproductive subjects.
What turned me off the most was the vast accumulation of liars and frauds, that plagued the whole idea of an undiscovered species of primate living in North America.  All the hoaxed videos, and pictures, the foot prints,  all orchestrated by bufoons and hillbilly liars, wasting everyones time that even bothers to investigate such reports.   It seemed as if Sasquatch was fueled by liars that believed in their own lies, who thought for sure everyone else would take them seriously.   

 If anything such as a Sasquatch ever existed,  I believe with the technology we have today, and the given time that has passed,  one would have been cought by now, and there would be unquestionable evidence presented.  

 In the past few years I have taken an interest in studying famous instances of hoaxes and frauds, Sasquatch as well as non Sasquatch hoaxes.  I'll probably write about a few sometime.  I will however say, that the possibilities of a Sasquatch exhisting anywhere, are far greater than some things, that loads of more people believe in with all of there heart.